Let’s Talk about Psychotherapy

Episode 2: Let’s Talk About Psychotherapy - Glenn Wood

Nurses take on a lot, and are expected to take on even more in their lives and in the lives of their patients. But how can they take care of their patients without taking care of themselves first. 

Join us as we talk to counselor Glenn Wood, on the importance of taking care of yourself and the difficulties behind accepting and dismantling your own defences through psychotherapy. 


Episode Links:

Healing Developmental Trauma - Laurence Heller, Aline Lapierre
How Early Trauma Affects Self-Regulation, Self-Image and the Capacity for Relationship

Chapters - (Kobo e-book, paperback)
Amazon - (Kindle e-book, paperback, audiobook)

BC Association of Counsellors


Let’s Talk about Desire and Intimacy!


Let’s Talk about Trauma Informed Care