Meet the Hosts


Anthem is a surgical nurse. She also holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in psychology. She started her career as an addiction support worker and eventually pursued a nursing degree to grow her passion for learning and caring for people in vulnerable situations. Bedside nursing feeds her extroverted energy, love of learning, and need for genuine human connection. 

When away from the bedside Anthem can be found lost in the trees with her golden retriever Barkley, or in the kitchen curating a charcuterie board to share with a friend over a bottle of BC red. She is fuelled by coffee, being an auntie, and the wise words of her favourite author Kelly Corrigan. 


Phil is a Registered Nurse who has been practicing on a neurosciences unit for 4 years. High Acuity trained, he works in the neuro ICU and as a Code Stroke Nurse. Following completion of a Bachelor of Science in Biology, Phil pursued nursing as he followed a desire to work directly with people in a field that demands change, growth, caring and continuous learning.

When not working or sleeping, Phil is probably climbing mountains, cooking for his family, spending time eating with friends or being bullied into making podcasts. Never one to turn down an invitation for a hangout, he’s thrilled to be taking time with Anthem talking frankly about nursing over a charcuterie board and a bottle of BC red, and hopefully shed light on a profession that has grown to mean so much to him.

Meet the Team



Most days Barkley can be found off leash with his besties in the forest or playing frisbee on the beach. When not out getting very dirty, Barkley likes to help out at home with treat distribution, toy allocation, and nap administration.
