
Jessica Orcutt Jessica Orcutt

Let’s talk about code status

On this episode Phil and I discuss patient code status – or lack there of. As nurses working with acutely ill patients we often find ourselves advocating for goals of care conversations. Join us as we explore our personal reflections on how and why we advocate for not only a signed MOST, but for the important conversations that determine the choice.

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Jessica Orcutt Jessica Orcutt

Let’s talk about workplace culture

A good workplace culture has many components. This week Phil and I chat about what we find effective in fostering positive workplaces and where we think there may be opportunities for improvement.

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Jessica Orcutt Jessica Orcutt

Let’s talk about international nursing

This week Phil and I are joined by Eleanor, an Irish trained RN. Eleanor spent several frustrating and expensive years pursuing her Canadian nursing registration. Although the system has reportedly improved this process, Eleanor’s story is one that will leave no doubt on why a change was needed.

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Jessica Orcutt Jessica Orcutt

Let’s talk about burnout

On this episode Phil and I chat about the mass exodus of nurses from the profession. We discuss the rapid burnout of new nurses and what we see as potential explanations. Redefining burnout from a mid and end career concern to a new nurse problem is worth further investigation as it leaves all of us working short.

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